Write a little every day, without hope, without despair.
— Isak Dinesen
Words of wisdom from Isak...a succinct way of advising one should write without expectations, "relinquishing the fruit of action," in Bhagavad Gita terms. The joy in performing an action is much greater than the joy you get from the fruit of the action.
Of course, Isak is also quoted as saying, "A great artist is never poor."
— Isak Dinesen
Words of wisdom from Isak...a succinct way of advising one should write without expectations, "relinquishing the fruit of action," in Bhagavad Gita terms. The joy in performing an action is much greater than the joy you get from the fruit of the action.
Of course, Isak is also quoted as saying, "A great artist is never poor."
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