Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Southern Social Networking Summit...

...Is where I am today. Break out sessions with flipcharts that look like this:

Social Media SSNS worthy quotes so far:

Gary Vaynerchuk, author of  Crush It:

The consumer internet—our society hasn’t grasped how revolutionary it is. It's only 15 years old... 'it hasn’t even had sex yet, and it dominates.'

Remember the last time AOL sent you a CD in snail mail? 15 years ago.

"We’re all in the business the storytelling business. Getting eyes and ears. Everyone plays the same game, and the biggest shift is happening now. "

"The gatekeepers have lost their keys."

"Social media is built on relationships. You can’t buy relationships. It’s printing press big."


  1. Hi Ms. Friddle,

    Your flipchart looks suspiciously akin to what I frequently encounter, whether I’m leading or participating in a breakout session, a la the corporate-business world in which I make my living. Big business is everywhere I suppose.

    A couple of months ago I was at a business networking meeting in the city where I live, and the agenda topic was "social networking." The key speaker (a purported expert in the field) repeated many times throughout the session his assertion that social networking was not a sales tool (if sales happened at all via this venue, it was more of a by-product of relationship building rather than causation). I recall many of the meeting participants being a bit surprised at this particular comment, if not dubious. Who knows? Interesting though.

    Btw, I meant to comment many moons ago about your "work-in-progress." Just the hint you provided was very sticky with me. Not sure why, but it was/is. I envy (in a good way) a writer that has the talent to evoke like you did in those short paragraphs and still call it a rough WIP. :) All the best, C.

  2. Yes-- that flip chart is a classic, isn't it? From what I've learned, I disagree with the key speaker you mentioned-- I think social media/networking IS a sales tool-- but in a more intimate, personal way, since social networking allows you to connect with people with whom you share an interest. Who knows? We shall see.
    Thanks, too, for your kind words about my WIP.

  3. Mindy - It was great to see you and the Summit was just the shot in the arm I needed to kick of 2010 with a bang! So glad you were there. Thank you.

  4. It was nice particpating in the conference with such a good group of folks like you, Mindy. I've already seen evidence of social media as a sales tool. That's not new at all. But it is still about building relationships, and like in the real world, what our friends and fellow community members like and buy has an impact on what we like and try. If you have good content, more and more other people's desire will be influenced by their virtual community in the same way. As we heard at #SSNS, you don't jump to close a sale; instead you work to be in the community. It's about making people aware of a good thing.

  5. Wanda,
    Thanks for organizing an invigorating summit...I'm sure it will be an annual event. I learned a lot!

    I agree it's all about relatinships...many small worlds in a vast Web.


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